Friday, June 15, 2012

Halo / Aura

Halo is a force or magnetic field that is found around all edges of the living thing. A person feels this field by touching or pendulum, but specialists can see halos, their shades and colors (meanings of colors are mentioned later). It is said that energy field around the body is created and controlled by chakras and channels, so it expresses the true life and life stream of the person; it will not only be a symbol of life, it is life itself.

There are 7 layers for a halo (just like the number of chakras). It is about 30cm away from the body, and its thickness varies; on the same body, the color and thickness can be different from a place to another. In some cases, a halo can fill a whole room. When a halo is strong, the person has a strong mind, psyche and body, and when it's weak, so is the body. The experts claim that the human halo departs his body three days before death. In the previous century, scientists designed a camera which can capture halos.

The first t drawing of a halo was found of ancient Egyptians, pharaohs and Buddhists saints who draw it around them. In Jewish Bible, the Prophet Moses drew a halo around himself when he came down of Mount Sinai. The Christian's New Testament show drawings of the apostles with a halo around their head, we can see this especially above Jesus Christ, Mother Mary and John the Baptist.

Halo Colors:

White: a healthy situation and balance.
Black: shows sickness, pain in the head and spine, envy, negative energy, hatred and malice.
Gray: warns for the beginning of sickness in that specific area in the body. Shows envy, selfishness, cowardice, fear, depression and horror.
Red: positive energy, vitality, good sexuality. When the color is affected, neural system is weak.
Blue: vitality.
Purple: this person works with spirituality, energy treatments and mystics.
Orange: indicates sexual status. When the color is pale, the sexuality is weak within that person.
Yellow: indicates spirituality; mostly religious men and women.
Green: healthy mind and body. The person loves to help others.

The healer should understand halos and the meaning of each color, because then he will be able to treat it, enforce it and correct its colors, so it will directly affect the channels, movement and activity of the body.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing is a treatment method invented and developed in recent years on the hands of Master Choa Kok Sui. Although it is primarily based on Chinese medicine, needles are not used at all; it is performed by re-routing the energy from the healer's body to the patient's. This way the latter will receive enough energy and help in order to heal and balance.

Pranic Healing is a full phase of Reiki treatment, used in special conditions after finishing a Reiki session (in which the healer spends 2-3 minutes on 12-14 locations on the body). If the healer senses that certain points are need of extra help, he will resort to Pranic Healing; he will send concentrated energy on one point in order to balance it.

Also, in the human body there are 52 points (as in Chinese Acupuncture), and each is responsible for a specific function in the body. Some are responsible for blood flow, some for head ache, vision, hearing, eating, urination, stomach, kidney, liver, lungs, nerves, spine, memory, etc. So using the thumb or the index and middle finger (and without touching), the healer charges and penetrates a weak point so he restores the related organ's function.

The charging process should take about 21-23 seconds only, and multiple points can be charged during one session. It has the same benefits as acupuncture. The patient will feel much more comfortable after this treatment.

This treatment method is very effective and successful.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Channels / Chakras and Energy Centers - Part 2

Chakras and its functions:

The Root/Base Chakra: Red/Brown/Black. It is located between the genital organ and the lower back. Its function is to communicate between the human body and the energy derived from earth, so we can also discharge negative energy from our bodies. It is also known as the center for the Kundalini energy.

The Sacral Chakra: Orange. Responsible for reproductive functions, developing, creativity, vitality and helping.

The Solar Plexus Chakra: Yellow. Responsible for emotions, anger, hatred, fear and inner feelings. Affects primarily the digestion system, spleen and pancreas.

The Heart Chakra: Green. Located in the heart; it is responsible for love, passion and compassion. It affects the blood flow and helps us see good and evil.

The Throat Chakra: Blue. Located in the throat. Responsible for communicating with other people, and it's a passage between physicality and spirituality. It is an important channel where air, food and blood enters all the body. Affects breathing (asthma) and various skin diseases.

The Third Eye Chakra: Purple, deep blue. Located in the front of the body between eyebrows and hair. It has functions of spiritual vision, sixth sense and non-tangible vision of people and places. This Chakra has direct effect on epilepsy, heart disease and psychological illnesses.

The Crown Chakra: White, golden, purple. Located at the top of the head and is responsible for personal spiritual openness. It has a big effect on the body, and through it we draw energy. It directly affects the senses in the human body, the spirituality, telepathy and receiving energy from the universe.

Some recommendations:

In order to help ourselves keep our Chakras open, we should review a specialist of Reiki at least once a month.

Use the colors; wearing a specific cloth's colors will reflect on the body of the wearer and help balance the body and soul.

Recommended colors by days:
Sunday – Red / Brown (Root Chakra)
Monday – Orange (Sacral Chakra)
Tuesday – Yellow (Solar Plexus Chakra)
Wednesday – Green / Pink (Heart Chakra)
Thursday – Blue (Throat Chakra)
Friday – Purple (Third Eye Chakra)
Saturday – White (Crown Chakra)

In order to fall asleep faster: while in bed, put your left hand over the Solar Plexus Chakra (above the belly button) and your right hand on the belly button. This should help you relax fasted and fall asleep.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Channels / Chakras and Energy Centers - Part 1

The human body is affected by 4 basic elements: earth, water, air and fire. These elements affect the human being directly, consciously or unconsciously. We sometimes feel tired or exhausted although we did not do anything; we do not want to get out of bed or we feel sluggish for several days. These psychological states are related to body energy.

There are seven channels or windows in the human body; it is the energy centers which are professionally called chakras. Chakra is a word of Indian Sanskrit origin and it means "wheel" or "turning." Through the chakras, we receive energy and then it is passed to all body organs; the energy is responsible for the functional performance of the body, soul and psyche. In many cases, a chakra is closed partially or fully for a psychological, spiritual, emotional or physiological reasons; this affects the performance of that specific chakra which then affects an organ. A chakra works in spiral, circular and vibrational way, much like a whirlpools: consistent and harmonious; if its work is interrupted, so the work of the body.

At first, Reiki therapist examines and diagnoses the patient through "communication," which is to enter the body and communicate with it using energy only (no touching). This is done by passing the hand over the body; this way we will know which channels are shut and which are open. Additional way to do this is by using a pendulum. Afterwards, the therapist sends energy using a special symbol (specific to each chakra) in order to open them all; the negative energies are replaced with positive energies. The goal is to return them to their normal function (circling and vibrating), so the body organs will continue their correct work.

Throughout the treatment, the patient is lying on comfortable bed, surrounded by candles, sweet smells and calming music.

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Basics of Reiki

I have mentioned before that Reiki has 5 basics. Those basics are not by chance, they hold a purpose and a meaning. If we focus on its content, meaning and value, we will understand life, be stable and happy.

Only today don’t be angry: Anger on its shapes, on our selves or others, creates difficult obstacles in the energy channels within the person. Reiki specialists and even psychologists see anger as one of the causes for health problems (physical or psychological). Anger usually is not a phase of a passing period but it becomes a part of the personality, so it affects our lives and the lives surrounding us directly. Anger can shift from being momentary to being constant, and our lives start to accumulate deposits of anger which leads to deposits in the energy channels, which then affects on the chakras, which eventually negatively affects the human body.

Only today don't worry: Every one worries. There is a difference between positive and negative worrying. Positive: is when I worry about my son or daughter passing an important exam, or even passing the street when going to school. Negative: is when I think and pre-empt events before happening; for example: what'll happen to me if I or one of my family members gets sick? What if they fire me one day and how will I find another job? What will happen if the ice in the North Pole melts? And other questions that cannot be explained or answered before it happens.

Respect your parents, acquaintances, the younger and older: This principle is regarded in all religions and societies; an important commandment. It will create an atmosphere of love, affinity and harmony between all people. Respect means to refine the soul; if you are respectful to others, you oblige them to be respectful to you.

Eat your bread from the sweat of your forehead: A very simple yet important principle. Respect myself and others, don't steal the possessions of others in order to live. Respect my profession and others'.

Be thankful to all the living things: This principle is based on tolerance, good word, smile, saying thanks and apologizing for any big or small mistakes we made. This principle is built upon essential inner change within the human. I, as a Reiki specialist, recommend people to smile every day; if we smile 3 times a day to 3 different people, we would have accomplished this principle.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Reiki and Healing - Part 3

Some of Reiki's benefits:
  • Enforcing immunity (bodily and psychological) and accelerate cell regeneration.
  • Reiki allow adaptability and compatibility between body and soul. As a result there's no insomnia, depression or anxiety.
  • To discover innate capabilities and strengthen the senses.
  • Learn the spiritual connection through touch, so you will know how to love yourself and others by charging your energy.
  • Get rid of negative excess and negative energy.
  • Control your anger.
  • Speed up the healing process of some diseases.
  • Adjust the balance of power in the body.
Reiki Levels:

Reiki 1: For treating one's self or one's family members. It is learned through 2 Reiki symbols: the symbol of strength and the symbol of the mind.
Reiki 2: for treating others and how to treat remotely. The student learns the third symbol: the symbol of far treatment.
Reiki 3: This can be learned at least 6 months after stage 2. It gives the power to specialist and qualifies him to work in a wider range. He will learn a fourth symbol.
Reiki Master: Only qualified persons with a unique healing vision deserves this level. The Master will learn the art of teaching and how to give the symbols to students of Reiki. He will learn to train whoever asks for this knowledge and open their therapeutic vision (the third eye).

According to Mastar Mikao Usui (mentioned in Part 1), there are 4 aspects of Reiki: Treatment by Reiki, personal growth, spiritual discipline and knowing the unknown. The 4 points are connected.

The basis of life style according to Reiki: (See more info in The Basics of Reiki)
  • Only today don’t be angry.
  • Only today don't worry.
  • Respect your parents, acquaintances, the younger and older than you.
  • Eat your bread from the sweat of your forehead.
  • Be thankful for all the living things.

Reiki is a style of life that gives us the experience of life with its full image. It also supply answers for those who look for the meaning of life, change, healing and tranquility… Reiki specialists and people who are treated by them can acquire psychological and physical immunity.

Reiki helps get personal growth, equilibrium, connecting to the personal vision that is in each one of us. The Reiki treatment is based on a principle: where there is mind there's energy.

Reiki allows us to access the buried power in us.

The idea of Reiki can be summarized in this:

The past is gone, future is near
Today is a present
Enjoy it, for it will never come back

Think about this as well:
Life is like an ice-cream, if you don’t eat and enjoy it in time, it'll melt and regret will not help.

The Reiki and Healing - Part 2

Where is this energy located?

Reiki energy is everywhere in the world and the universe (in every human, animal, bird, etc.), and even in rocks and dirt; we are in the middle of a massive amount of energy. We often call our planet: Mother Earth; it gives us energy and vitality through our feet, and we breath the oxygen that is full of energy.

Every one of us can learn Reiki treatment, and it does not require previous knowledge. The energy is in us, and all we have to do is be confident about it. Of course, this is after he/she receives a proper teaching and training.

What diseases/illnesses/symptoms can be treated by Reiki/Healing?

It is unlimited, and it is not confined to bodily illness, but also psychological. Just to give some examples: back and spinal pain, various infections, migraine, asthma, addiction (smoking, alcohol, etc.), anxiety, liver problems, diabetes, blood pressure, bone breaks, confidence, overcoming difficulties, hearing problems, improving vision, sexual problems, cancer, etc.
This is based on the principle that all illnesses are an outcome of a defect in the inner energy, which affect the work of chakras and in its turn affects a part of the body. Reiki helps return the chakras to its normal functions.

The treatment:

In the beginning of every treatment session the patient is asked whether he agrees or not on receiving the treatment. Then he/she is checked by scanning without touching. It is done by hovering the hands over the body and stoping over certain points. These simple hand gestures carry a huge effect on halos, chakras and the body. Afterwards, the energy centers and chakras are balanced, and then positive energy is inserted into the body through 12-14 locations (from the top of the head to the toes). The therapist stops at each point for an averaged 2-3 minutes. The Reiki energy is very smart, it penetrates the body and the illness location and woks on fixing it by activating cells, blood vessels and weak blood cells and stimulates it to do its natural work.

It is important to check beforehand (by asking) if the patient has cancer, heart disease or hemiplegic, because in that cases caution must be taken.

We, as specialists, are often asked if an illness can be cured. Here I want to emphasize what I mentioned beforehand: the smart Reiki energy can penetrate every single cell and cure it. The person performing the treatment must always be optimistic and give hope, otherwise failure is certain.

At the beginning of every treatment, 4 signs are drawn over the patient. It is the Reiki symbols the facilitates the entrance of the energy to the body. Only a Reiki master can use them.

In some cases, a specialist can perform a treatment to any person from afar, in another country that is. It requires a special technique and previous co-ordination with the patient. It has the same working effect as direct treatment.

The Reiki specialist will not advice the patient to replace his medications (if he takes any), and he should continue to visit his doctor.

The Reiki and Healing - Part 1

What is Reiki?

The Reiki or healing is an ancient treatment by energy, re-discovered and re-developed in the late 19th century by a Japanese Buddhist doctor called Mikao Usui (1864-1926). In some Arabic countries it is called "the way of touching."

A Japanese word made of 2 parts:
Rei = universal and cosmic. Not limited, the divine soul and wisdom, the hidden force, and everything that has to do with mystics. It is the higher force that guides the universe and the wisdom given from God that knows every health problems (among others), what are the causes and how to treat it.

Ki = energy. It is the energy and pulse of life, light and the spirit of the maker. This energy is everywhere, in human beings, animals, plants, etc.

Reiki could originate from the Arabic word "Rakwa;" Which means to pray on someone without touching him/her. This shows how international and universal Reiki is.

Reiki is a method of alternative treatment, it depends on energy and it is simple but with great abilities to communicate with a sick body in order to correct what is wrong. Positive energies are sent from the person who treats to the treated, and the former receives the negative energy from the latter. This creates an energy cycle which leads to inner energy equilibrium through chakras. Also, the personal halo balances back to its natural colors, so the body and soul achieve balance as well. The person who treats, having received a large amount of negative energy, uses a special technique to empty it and replace it with positive energy.


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