
Emile4u.com was founded on 10/5/2009, and is the website (Arabic and Hebrew) for the center of alternative treatments; the first and only website of its kind in the country (Israel and Palestine), in which we treat and diagnose using energy. It is owned by Master Emile Semaan; an expert in Reiki and Healing. Master Semaan is an expert in palm reading, signature and writing analysis, In addition to predicting the future (using said things).  Also, of Master Emile's expertise is spiritual communications and body & home cleansing of negative energies.

The center provides services for everyone, either individual or groups, by giving lectures. I will add more information very soon.

Moreover, in this website we publish various professional articles which relates to alternative treatments. All written by Master Emile Semaan. Those articles have been copied and used by many other professional websites and forums throughout the Arab world (in Arabic), such as Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain Lebanon, Morocco, Algeria and many others including European ones.

The Goal of the Emile4u.com is to help raise the level of knowledge, culture and awareness to these topics in our Arab community from the Atlantic to the Gulf. We offer to publish any article written by our readers, of course if it corresponds with our policies and standards. We urge you to communicate with us.
I am proud that our website has met international interest from hundreds and thousands of knowledge seekers. I chose to convey the information and traslate it to English so more people will can know about it.

Finally, we would like to welcome you in Emile4u.com and we hope you will benefit from the articles. We are prepared to provide any explanation to any enquiries you might have within 24 hours.

Our motto is credibility, honesty, and helping all knowledge seekers in all over the world free of charge.
May God watch over you. We wish you success and happiness in life.

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